Recovering After a Break- A Walk with the Nine of Wands

I’m back!

After a rather LONG break of losing myself, discovering myself again, and taking back my power, I’ve decided it’s time for me to get back on the Writing Bandwagon.

I’ve had a rough few months. Dealing with grief during the holidays and a major magical block, I figured what better way to express my readiness than with the Nine of Wands from my Tarot Mucha.




This card speaks to me in many ways; after a long struggle, a healing journey has now started.

If you are familiar with Tarot, you’re most likely familiar with the more common suit attributes and are aware that Wands (in most decks) represents the Fire element. Looking at this card elementally, Fire represents passion, action, and enthusiasm to name a few. Fire also symbolizes movement. It’s simple to visualize what would happen if you didn’t have a boundary around your summertime fire pit.

With all this energetic vibration coming from these simple statements, you may be wondering where the woman in the card puts it all! Take a look at the person in the card: she’s exhausted, using the Wands surrounding her for protection and support. Her clothing is distressed as the look on her face. Loosely holding her Wand, she’s created a “ring of fire” around her. This division she’s made separates her from the outside world as she recovers.

Looking at the Wands closely, there are hints of leaves on each post. Does this represent new growth?


Applying this to my life at the moment, I’m exhausted but I still have that drive in me to keep chugging along. I’ve learned to utilize the fire and destruction around me in forms of inspiration for new growth. I’m looking forward to coming out strong in 2018.


What’s your card for 2018?


Raising Witchlings

Since school started up again three weeks ago, I’ve been over my head with getting a schedule to follow. Walking kids to school, cleaning, making dinner, and having two out of three kids home is pretty stressful.

I’ll be honest, I set my spirituality and practice aside for a split second. WORST second of my life! As a mom who is alone with children under 5 years old most of the day, it can be easy to get sucked into having conversations about what cartoon to watch or why we need to wear pants. My spirituality and practice keeps me sane and reminds me that I am more than a maid, referee, personal chef, and chauffeur.

There have been plenty of times my children have joined me in ritual. They ask to be smudged with sage or Florida Water often. It’s become a habit, not because I tell them it needs to be done, but because they learn by watching their mama!

“Oh, mama has smoke in her hands! I want some!”

“Mama is sitting quietly, let me sit quietly next to her.. or on top of her because that’s more comfortable.”

“Mama is lighting a candle. Let me try to blow it out. Oh, she got upset, I better not do that.”


My kids learn through example like all children do. Being 2, 4 and 8 years old is tough, so I try my best to keep my cool with them. Yes, there are times I kick them out of the room. No, I don’t do every ritual with them nearby. I have my limits.


With all this being said, I would like to share an experience my husband and I had with our 4 year old:

We were eating dinner at a Wendy’s restaurant last Friday. Our children like to sit at the table with the tall chairs while my husband and I sit at a small table, just the two of us. Each of us were enjoying our meals. I turned around every few minutes to make sure the boys were doing fine. During one of those moments, our four year old had his legs crossed with his hands on his knees, palms facing upward. He mumbled something my husband and I couldn’t understand. I asked our son to repeat himself. With a smile on his face and his eyes practically rolling back in his head, he says “oooh, prnanfjdak, ghost!”

“Are you summoning ghosts?!” He looks at me with the most innocent, proud face and says yes.

“Honey, you need to make sure you’re in your bubble before doing that!” He slid down the tall chair and stood in front of me. “Okay, mom. I’m ready.” With his eyes closed, I instructed him to envision a bubble in front of him. “I see it, mama!” I then continued instruction for him to step inside his bubble. He took a step forward representing he was now inside his bubble. “I need my feet in the dirt, mama.” We like to vision our feet have roots that are able to go deep into the Earth. These two techniques are for protection and grounding.

“Okay, honey, you’re ready.” He opened his eyes, refreshed. He sat firmly on the floor and placed his right hand on the ground in front of himself. With his hand, he drew a half circle around himslef. He placed his left hand behind his back, connecting the circle, and brought it to the front.

I looked at my husband in amazement. “Did he just cast a circle?!” My husband nodded his head in agreement, speechless. Our son then continued his spirit work inside the restaurant.

When we got home, my husband gave him a bath with Florida Water to cleanse him of anything that may have spiritually attached itself to our little warrior.


In conclusion, I am very proud of my children. They are willing to learn and are wise to know when and how to use their spirituality and practice.

Are you raising witchlings?

Connecting with Ancestors through Tarot

My father’s death anniversary is July 20th. It has been a rough first year but somehow I’m still hanging in there.  I recently had a visit from him in my sleep.  He was upset.  I made him feel as if I forgot about him.  I took this as it was now time to set up his altar and welcome him in my spiritual work.

About 3 days ago, I felt a strong urge to collect graveyard dirt.  My father was cremated and his widow lives about 4 hours away with his ashes.  I needed to plant my roots, get in touch with where I came from, remember how my soul got here.


My grandparents have been gone for about 25 years now.  They passed over when I was 4 years old.  Within that 25 years or so, they have connected with me only once to pass on a message to a family member.  I had always thought they were long gone.  I had always thought they were resting, not wanting to be bothered.  I honestly don’t know much about them at all, so I saw no sense in adding them to my spirit work… but I needed graveyard dirt. I needed to reconnect with my family that I miss so much.

I asked around in a couple of Facebook groups as to how to collect graveyard dirt without ancestors being buried or wanting to be bothered.  I got every answer imaginable from “go for it” to “how dare you disturb the dead!”  It was annoying enough for me to delete my question in some groups.

Sitting in meditation, I thought to myself, “if I can connect with my father through tarot, I’m sure I can connect with my grandparents through tarot also!”  After all, who better to consult than the spirits themselves?!


I chose my Tarot Mucha because it reads well for relationships.  That’s exactly what I was doing; I was creating a new relationship with my grandparents and I used Tarot as my guide to doing so.



As I was shuffling I connected with my grandparents and the 2 of cups fell out of the deck.  I quickly placed it on top of the spread with the intention that this meant how they felt about working with me.  I can see they will be passionate and willing to be by my side during my spiritual journey.  The lion above the people’s heads is a strong symbol for me. The lion also has wings.. they are my strength from the spirit realm.


The best way to work with them is the 5 of Cups.  When I’m lonely and forgetting the good things in my life, I need to remember they are always here for me. I’m secluded, alone, and cold in this card image.. but there are two cups behind me.  The same two cups from the previous card.


They don’t need much in return.  I’m thinking of adding them to my ancestor altar and the 10 of Pentacles has given me a strong “yes”.  Don’t forget them. Even though I don’t know much about them, they still need my respect by remembering and loving them dearly.


Our relationship will help me be a stronger woman.  The 9 of Cups has always shown itself to me as a woman who needs no man.  She can do for herself.  Notice how the woman is leaning with her back to the 10 of Pentacles?  Again, my ancestors are behind me.


I ended up going to the cemetery after this reading.  I took flowers for my ancestors and 9 dimes for Papa Legba.  My experience at the cemetery was so magical.  I was surrounded by squawking crows, lovely church bells, and a strong summer breeze.  I haven’t felt at “home” in so long.



Thank you for letting me share this experience with you.  How do you connect with your ancestors?

Much Love


Taking Tarot Classes

I honestly don’t know how long I’ve been reading tarot.  I remember grabbing my first deck at one of my favorite shops in Morro Bay, California.


After moving on from this deck, I picked up a Rider Waite deck and took off! I taught myself by journaling, pulling daily cards, and learning to listen to my first impression of a card. It wasn’t an easy task.


There’s one thing I always find myself doing.. taking local tarot classes. Most of them being beginner classes, I’m often asked why I do such things. Honestly, I’m not there for myself.  I’m there for the other members of the class!

I’m not one to keep my knowledge to myself. I certainly didn’t learn tarot by Tarot Experts keeping their wisdom a secret, so I want to do the same to beginners (or any other rank of reader) seeking advice.

I’m often called out in these classes as “knowing” or “already” a tarot reader, but in reality I’m just as everyone else. I am an equal.

During reading swaps within these classes, I notice students hesitant to read for me.  I’ve had clients (tarot readers) read their own cards as I’m pulling them for a reading! How annoying giving your insight and interpretation of the spread when a knowledgeable reader is breathing down your neck.  I’ve had clients (also tarot readers) stop me mid-reading and say, “I’ll just do this at home.”  It’s hurtful.  I have learned when getting a reading, you keep your energy focused on your reader.  The reader has a message that needs to be delivered and it’s MY job as a client (or student swapper) to stay open to that message without judgement.


In conclusion, no need to be nervous when reading for me, fellow Tarotists.


Much Love,


Tarot Day Blog Hop {Page of Cups}

I hope you you enjoyed


I’m new to the blogging world, so when I heard about a blog hop for Tarot Day, I didn’t want to miss out!

I was totally nervous when I was assigned the Page of Cups. I have been reading for a few years now and the Pages still stump me! I saw this as a challenge and did some researching about the card I was assigned.

Over the weeks, I fell in love with the shadow side or reversed meaning of the card. I just moved into a new home surrounded by new people and one person in particular shines this side of the card well. I’ve been observing him closely, realizing there are some sides to MYSELF that I need to work on as well.

The Page of Cups reflects, in some aspects, someone who is unable to deal with their emotions in a healthy way. I struggle with this at times. More often than I like to admit.. but that’s the beauty of tarot. It’s a tool to help overcome those blockages and help reach our Higher Selves.

I created a simple tarot spread just for working with the Page of Cups.


For this spread, you are going to pull out your Page and use it as a focus point. Shuffle your deck and when you’re ready, lay three cards beneath the Page as shown in the image.

The first card represents an emotional blockage you may have, preventing you from being able to process emotions in a secure, healthy way.

The second card in the spread is the first step needed to overcome what is troubling you. Set yourself free from the emotional overriding.

It’s important to take in both of these cards individually and as an interactive pair.

On the contrary of the shadow aspect of this card, there is a deep, positive message awaiting youinn. The final card in this spread reflects this message.

Meditation Exercise

Let’s take our shadow work a bit further. You did your spread, you know where your inner blocks are, you know the first step to conquering it, and you have a message to hold tight and look forward to.

Sit comfortably in a quiet area. With palms facing upwards, laying on your lap, take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

As you walk into your Page of Cups card, you become the Page him/herself. Look around you. What do you see? What do you smell? Take a moment to get recognized with your surroundings. Do you hear the river near by? Take your time to walk over to the river bank.

After a moment, you notice you had your cup in your hand. This cup is slightly filled with water that represents your emotional immaturity. All those moments where you took things to heart for no reason all accumulate into this gorgeous cup. Take a moment to make this happy while your eyes are still closed. Remember what the tarot spread has revealed about your blockages and let that flow into the cup as well. As you release this, you begin to feel energized, new, and refreshed.

When you’re ready, throw the water into the river before you. Watch these blocks flow away with the current. You are now completely disconnected from those blocks and are able to start embracing your positive message from the spread above.

Take a few deep breaths and step back out of the card. When you are ready, you may open your eyes.


I hope you all have been enjoying this blog hop. Please enjoy the next blog at


Collecting Crossroads Dirt

Before my husband started working crazy hours, we used to take a drive in the summer, about 15 miles out of the city, to a fruit stand in the middle of nowhere.  Sunday was a great day for a drive. The scenery connects me to the Earth without me having to leave the comfort of my air conditioned truck.

Straight down the highway, we come across many wild plants, wide and open space, clouds, sky, and everything in between.  The kids like to identify pictures within the cloud puffs and figure out their “message”… but that’s a whole different post in itself.

On the way home, after buying delicious peaches, nectarines, plums and other goodies, I asked my husband how he felt about collecting crossroads dirt. “If you want to, we can now that we’re driving home.”




Instead of driving back down the highway, we decided to take the back streets. Passing orchards and farms, rivers and homes in the distance, we decided to turn back around when we came across a small town.

I felt it was right not to cross over the intersection I will be taking from. So we drifted off the main road with a right turn. “I have to leave an offering. I don’t have anything to leave…” I looked down at the peaches at my feet. I had a rush of energy come from one peach in particular.

Husband drove off into the side of the road next to a grape vineyard. “Are you ready?” I grabbed my peach offering, swung the truck door open, looked at him and said, “Not really..”

More nervous than I’ve ever been, I got off the truck and walked towards the crossroads. I kept thinking to myself, “This is it. Something.. a wolf is gonna come out and eat me.” People passing probably thought I was crazy. People passing were probably thinking I was a hallucination since we were practically in the middle of nowhere.

I remember speaking to Papa Legba, the Haitian spirit of the crossroads, and asking what exactly am I supposed to do. I went with my gut feeling as to leave the offering right where I was standing. As I stood up straight, I closed my eyes and gave thanks.

I felt a rush of energy. I felt protected. I felt free.

As I collected dirt from the four corners of the intersection, it was quiet. No more cars passed. Birds were no longer chirping. Trees were no longer rustling in the breeze. The world was still as of time had stopped. I was scared only because I didn’t know what to expect. I swear I heard voices. I swear I felt spirits all around me. In 103° weather, I felt cold. It was as if I was walking between worlds.

Snap back to reality, it felt like I was taking forever. I searched around for my truck and ran back to my husband being careful not to drop a pebble of dirt. “How was it?” I looked at my husband and said, “Scary as f…” We both giggled and started our journey back home.


I’m not sure what my plans are with the crossroads dirt just yet, but I felt like this was a spiritual rite of passage. It was something I had to do in order to connect better with myself.

Do you remember your first time at the crossroads?

My First Spirit Board

I’ve always wanted a Ouija board. I remember passing by them in the Halloween stores growing up and my desire to have one was so strong. I knew my parents wouldn’t approve, so I forgot about it until I started my witchy path about 5 years ago.

From what I know (and I don’t know much), Ouija boards, or spirit boards, are cardboard or wooden boards with printed letters and numbers used to communicate with spirits. It comes with a planchette, used to place your hands on and point to letters to make messages.


I’ve been married a little longer than I’ve been walking my path. My husband and I respect each other’s path and take into consideration each other’s choices and opinions. With that being said, he’s always been against me having a Ouija board. “No, it’s no good.” Or “I’m not letting one of those things in the house.” So I just sorta stopped asking and trying.

Over the weekend our family enjoys going to the local swap meet. We love to walk around, enjoy the people, cool items people have for sale, plus it gets us out of the house.

My husband’s uncle always rents a spot and sells things at this particular swap meet we go to. This Sunday was no different. We woke up, got dressed and took off to enjoy the day. I knew I was looking for something in particular that day. Something was calling me and I knew I would feel that connection once I set my eyes on it.

Walking down uncle’s row, something grabbed my attention on the floor.


I felt the rush of energy come through me. I felt the excitement. My heart was racing, my hairs were standing straight up (I forgot to shave that day lol) and I felt complete.

I picked up the Ouija box and turned to my husband with such a smile and said “Please, honey?!” He looked me dead in the eye and said..


I felt crushed. I couldn’t just leave the box there! I mean, today was the day! Today I was on a mission!

“But, honey, I..”

“No. You know how I feel about them. I don’t want it in the house..”

“Then I’ll use it outside!”

His sweet giggle let me know he knew my motives. I wasn’t going to leave with out it.

With a smile on his face, he turns to his uncle (who has been watching us the whole time) and asks how much. His uncle smiles and laughs “That’s for witches!  Don’t you know it’s for witches? Is she a witch?” Husband looks at me with love in his eyes.. “Yes, she is.” Shocked, some words were exchanged between them in Spanish that I didn’t quite understand because I was on Cloud Nine. Coming back to reality, husband says “He says it’s yours.” I hear uncle say it again in Spanish “Take it, it’s yours!”

I remember yelling “Oh! Thank you so much!” Everyone in the swap meet stopped to turn and look at my excitement. Both husband and I were laughing and giggling and it was as if he had asked me to marry him again!

I walked around the rest of the swap meet with that thing attached to my hip! I walked proud as people looked at me with worry. We came to the last row when my mother in law noticed what I had in my hands. “You bought that?!” I smiled greatly and said “No it was gifted to me.” With fear in her voice and a little anger she turns to my husband and says “You bought her that?! Why would you buy her that?! Your dad isn’t going to like it! She’s going to have to throw it away.” Ignoring her, I continued my walk down the path. I hear my husband say “I didn’t buy it for her. It was gifted. And for that reason, she CAN NOT throw it away!”

My heart never felt so much love for this man. I could feel the tension between the family but I was guarded by my husband’s determined energy.

No words were exchanged about it the whole way home. We live with my in laws so I went straight to my room to put it away. While doing so, I can hear my husband getting lectured in Spanish how “bad” it was and how “we shouldn’t have one because we have kids.” To my surprise, my husband says in a proud voice “It’s just like her tarot cards! Nothing bad can come from it! She knows what she’s doing! You told her to be herself.”


I’ve yet to use it. I’ve yet to connect with it but I’m sure that will come in its own time and shouldn’t be difficult. I’m excited to learn and feel this is one step closer to me developing my mediumship skills. When did you get your first spirit board?

P.S. my husband rocks!

New to the Blogging World

 I’ve been asked a handful of times to start a tarot blog.  It was just recently I took the actual plunge and started up.

I’ll be honest, I’m a HUGE procrastinator. Before tarot, I was really into crochet.  I loved making beanies for my boys over the winter.  After that, I got into soap making; that was a total bust!  I’ve always started a project but was never able to finish it.  I have great ambitions and awesome potential to make all my dreams come true but very little drive to do any of it.


By my second blog post, I found myself being mentioned in a well known tarot blog!  “Me? Of all people?”  I felt a rush of panic and immediately wanted to drop my whole blogging journey. But that’s what I do.. I start a project, it gets exciting, and then I have anxiety about it and drop out.  Never knowing what it’s like to have that feeling of victory.  Why?  Why don’t I work toward the goals I make and bask in the success of finishing it?


Well, that’s a great question! So I decided to create a tarot spread to help myself out.  After all, that’s what my deck is for!



I used my Undersea Tarot for this spread as this is my newest to the collection:

  1. What is causing my anxiety? The Hierophant- I feel as if I don’t know enough about this in order to be a teacher.  Tarot is a life-long journey and you never truly can know everything.  There’s numerology that goes hand in hand with tarot, astrology, the list goes on and on!  I’m at a point in my studies that I’m not sure if I know enough to write about it.
  2. Why am I holding on?  King of Shells (Cups)- While trying to keep my emotions in order, I’m not doing a very good job.  It’s easier for me to be “emotionally self destructive” than to be proactive. Damn, tarot, what a way to bring it  to light!
  3. Advantages of letting go of this anxiety. Ten of Starfish (Pentacles)- I’ve always recognized this card as the “rich” card.  Weather it’s family that makes you feel like you got it all, or literally financially rich.  I can see if I learn to let go of my anxiety and really push myself, I will benefit by claiming spiritual satisfaction. I have nothing to lose!
  4. How to let go.  The High Priestess- The message within this card is to use my inner self to help me cope and let go.  I must remember that at the end of the day, I’m hurting myself.  The only thing that separates me from knowledge is a thin veil.


Although it may be easier for me to hold on to this feeling, I’m only hurting myself in the end.  If I’m willing to expand my tarot knowledge and help others along the way, I must turn to myself.

Give this spread a try and let me know what you think!



What Tarot Has Taught Me

Tarot has been a big part of my life for over three years now.  With my family and I settling into a new home, it’s been more than difficult to incorporate tarot into our lives than I thought.  To get back into the swing of things, I decided to ask myself a question; what has tarot taught me?

I use tarot as a spiritual tool.  Tarot has helped me dig deeper into my soul to pull out what isn’t needed and help heal those parts of me that I wish not to speak of with others.  It’s helped me mourn my father’s death, it’s helped me replace that “emptiness” I felt for so many years. Tarot, to me, is so much more than a deck of cards; it’s the soul’s way of using symbols and terms to communicate with our bodies that get lost in the materialistic world.

After sitting in meditation for a few minutes, I decided to pull out my deck and ask away.  Sitting outside, I cleared my mind and shuffled my deck. Continuing to keep my question in mind, three cards fell out facing upright.  I glanced at them.  I realized this was my answer.

What has tarot taught my mind?

Three of Cups~ Looking over the card image, three lovely women are dancing around and sharing a drink together.  No, tarot has not taught me to be a party animal, but more friendly with my self.

I’ve always had issues with self esteem and self confidence.  You could say I’m the “odd ball”.  Being an only child was difficult growing up.  With little people to trust and living in the outskirts of town, I had learned to keep to myself.  I’ve always been alone.  Lost in my own world, not belonging.

Tarot changed that.

With the Three of Cups shown in this position, I realize tarot is a community in its self.  I’ve come across some amazing  (and very accepting) people from around the world.. and we all have our passion in common.

What has tarot taught my physical self?

Justice~ Oh, Justice.  This card honestly had me puzzled. I sat in meditation with this card in mind for a few minutes and came to recognize tarot has taught me my mind and body are one.  I can not grow spiritually if my body is not ready. My body must be healthy to grow spiritually.


Tarot is much more than paper cards.  It’s a tool to help people grow spiritually, to connect to their higher power, and to connect to their divine self.

I’ve learned how to balance my physical self with my spiritual self.  I know now that my body is separate from my soul, but clearly complete each other.

I’m looking forward to continuing my tarot journey and working with tarot every day from this day forward.

What has tarot taught you?


Starr Tarot


I’ve been thinking about blogging for a few months now, but with a new home and things packed, it’s been a little difficult to do anything!

I’ve been reading tarot for about 4 years now but I’m at the beginning of my journey working towards a tarot certification through the ITF.

I’ve been on my spiritual journey about the same time. I’m Certified Reiki I working towards my Chakra Balancing Certification with my Master, Jackie Harris.

I’m really looking forward in sharing a sacred piece of my life with all of you.

Much Love~ Starr